We've been giving our mailing addresses, so if anyone would like to write to me, you can reach me here:
Nicholas Boire, PCV
Peace Corps
PO Box 6862
Windhoek, Namibia.
You can still reach me at NicholasBoire@gmail.com
My group is fortunate enough to have contact with volunteers currently stationed in Namibia. They've been helpful giving advice regarding mailing:
So basically, feel free to address me as Father Nick."The best method for sending a care package is by simply using the US postal service. I've found that packages sent in a big padded envelope get here much quicker than a box. Boxes take anywhere from 1 month to 5-6 months. It really varies on this one. I think as a rule of thumb, keep it small. My experience with packages has been diverse: 1 padded envelope sent from California got here in 10 days using regular ground mail. Another package sent from NYC using the more expensive way to send it, got here in exactly 1 week. Other packages took anywhere from 1 month to 2 months. If for some reason you need something shipped that is expensive or important, I know people have used DHL (there is a DHL office in Windhoek)
...the only other thing I wanted to add is that in sendingpackages via the post office, we've found that it's helpful to "holy"them up -- address them to Father Joe Schmoe, or Sister Jane Smith,and say that they're coming from the Sister [whatever] at BlessedChurch of Jesus. Writing holy phrases ("Thou shall not steal," "Jesusis watching," "We miss you at church, Sister Jane!" etc.) on the package helps too."
I think a church just burned down somewhere.
For the record, I kind of hijacked this post for my blog, too. But good advice for mailing carepackages and keeping in touch deserves to be shared, right? (Esp. since we can all benefit from old magazines, mac n cheese packets, and hard candy!). See you in two weeks!
Father Nick,
Merry Christmas.
Mike Huckabee was on the tube last night talking in his christiany, jesusy kinda lingo. Jesus, are we in trouble.....
A guy I work with never heard of Huckabee but likes
doesn't know why
just likes him
Aunt C and I want to send you something but guess you don't need the latest Banana shirt. What do you need or what does you heart long for. Make sure it'll fit in a padded envelope.
The Right Rev. Uncle Mike
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